76West Co-Founder Included In People To Watch Survey

Marc V. Stress, co-founder of the Syracuse-based brand consultancy 76West, has been included in to the People to Watch for 2019 by the publication Graphic Design USA.

gdusalogobold.jpgGraphic Design USA (GDUSA) has recently published its 56 year history of the annual People to Watch. Looking back over the past five decades, we recognize many friends, colleagues and even some heroes from the design industry. Reading over the list, you will find several undisputed historical giants of design including Saul Bass, Ivan Chermayeff, Lou Dorfsman, Milton Glaser, George Lois, and Massimo Vignelli to name only a few. You will also find many more legends, near legends, and legends-to-be. In the 56 year history of the series, Marc V. Stress is one of only two Central New York area designers to be included on the list. Stress was initially named as part of the 2008 class of People to Watch.

For the past 56 years, GDUSA has selected a new class named to their People To Watch list. These designers and industry leaders embody the spirit of the creative community across the United States. Individuals we have come to know and respect for a combination of talent, leadership, success, newsworthiness and community service. In a field so deep in talent and broad in numbers, this is clearly a subjective process, and there are many other talented individuals yet-to-be included. Still, for five decades, it has seemed to work out pretty well: the roster of past participants is star-studded, to say the least.

76West is proud to have one of our co-founders— Marc Stress —included in this list of great designers from history and current industry luminaries.

See the full list below, or at GDUSA.com

Sean Adams
Deb Adams
Rob Adams
Steven Addis
Deborah Adler
Megan Adomaitis
Justin Ahrens
Ian Adelman
Stuart Rankin Alden
Jamie Alexander
Jonathan Alger
Jason Alley
Marc Alt
Alan Altman
Amanda Altman
Charles S. Anderson
Gail Anderson
Jack Anderson
Maxey Andress
Primo Angeli
David Annunziato
Richard Anwyl
David Archambault
William Armenteros
Glenn John Arnowitz
Rinat Aruh
Jonathan Asher
David Aughenbaugh
John Avila
Ashleigh Axios
Kim Baer
Chris Bailey
Peter Bain
Gary Baker
Elizabeth P. Ball
Jimmy Ball
John Ball
Amy Balliett
Scott Ballum
Hal Barber
Sidney Barcelona
Bonnie Barnes
Rick Barrack
Lisa M. Barraco
Frank Baseman
Paul Basista
Saul Bass
Doug Bartow
Constance Beck
David Becker
Julie Beeler
Shannon Beer
Howard Belk
Mila Bellido
Burkey Belser
Patricia Belyea
Stephen D. Benfield
Ed Bennett
Stuart Berni
Rafi Bernstein
Annette Berry
Jim Berte
Jodie Berzin
Candace Bexell
John Bielenberg
Jack Biesek
Jen Bilik
Karl Bischoff
Dan Bittman
Roger Black
Niki Blaker
Wendy Blattner
Marc Blaustein
Ben Blumenfeld
David Bloch
Ivan Boden
Eric Boelts
James Boiter
Gary Bonilla
Bill Bonnell
Sunny Bonnell
Rick Bonelli
John Borg
Peter Borowski
Doug Boyd
Richard Boynton
Dave Braden
Conor Brady
John Brady
Jeffrey Brall
Ted Bramble
Brian Brandisi
Harriet Breitborde
Andy Brenits
Charles Brice
Talamieka Brice
Keith Bright
Craig Brimm
Gaby Brink
Andrew Brown
Cathy Brown
Linda Brown
Shawn Brown
Ellen Bruss
Stephen Bucheit
Lynn Buckley
Paul Buckley
Jim Bull
John Burgess
Will Burke
J.W. Burkey
David Butler
Bill Cahan
Lisa Cain
Chris Calori
Bob Calvano
Hamish Campbell
Evan Campisi
David Canaan
Kevin Cantrell
Ken Carbone
Bill Carkeet
Laurie Carrigan
Steve Carsella
Tsia Carson
Richard Cassis
Dana Castle
Alex Center
David Ceradini
Fred Cisneros
Susan Chait
Clive Chajet
Wing Chan
Margo Chase
Marcos Chavez
Joshua Chen
Norman Cherubino
Ivan Chermayeff
Tricia Christiansen
Susan Chun
Stan Church
Laurie Churchman
Seymour Chwast
Robert Cipriani
Sam J. Ciulla
Bretton Clark
Sheree Clarke
Matthew Clark
John Clifford
James Clunie
Sheila Cobb
Barbara Cohen
Jason B. Cohen
Matt Cokeley
Jane Coker
Robin Colangelo
Alisa Coleman
Owen Coleman
Brian Collins
Anthony Colombini
Ralph Colonna
Jenn David Connolly
Michael Connors
Susan V. Consales
Roger Cook
Kenneth R. Cooke
Grant Copeland
Gavin Cooper
Michelle Cooper
Jeffry Corbin
Karen Corell
Rodrigo Corral
Mark Courtney
Carl Cox
Frank Coyne
Dailey Crafton
Rachel Crawford
Jack Crifasi
Dorothy Cross
Jim Cross
Nicte Cuevas
Moira Cullen
Steve Cullen
Hillman Curtis
Joe Cuticone
Morgan Daly
Rita Daly
Jerod Dame
Liz Danico
Richard Danne
Drew Davies
Tom Davies
Lynda Decker
Matt DeFrain
Michele DeHaven
Ken DeLor
Rob DeLuke
Laurie DeMartino
Amy Demas
Gabe DeMatteis
Jerry Demoney
Barry Deutsch
Stewart Devlin
William Dickinson
Brian Diecks
Bill Dirzuilaitis
Chris Do
Stephanie Donahue
Jaye Donaldson
Thomas Dooley
Lou Dorfsman
Stephen Doyle
William Drenttel
Dora Drimalas
Joe Duffy
Martin Duffy
Steve Dunphy
Becky Eason
Vanessa Eckstein
Dave Edmundson
Terri Edelman
Kyle Eertmoed
Arthur Eisenberg
Tina Roth Eisenberg
Monica Elias
Rachel Elner
Simon Endres
Michael B. Endy
Carrie English
Marc English
Rafael Esquer
Patrica Evangelista
Joseph Essex
Nancy Essex
Leslie Evans
Stan Evenson
Charlyne Fabi
Jonathan Falk
Ralph Famiglietta
James Faris
Gene Federico
Scott Feldman
Bill Ferguson
Mike Fetrow
Ira Finkelstein
Jeff Fisher
Amy Fister
Luis Fitch
Brian Flahive
Jeff Flick
Matthew Flick
Megan Flood
Bryan Flynn
Karin Fong
Bart Forbes
David Ford
John Forster
Tom Fowler
Craig Franke
Benjamin Franklin
Kathy Frederickson
Shawn Freeman
Kelly Friedl
Michael Freimuth
Sara Frisk
Shannon Gabor
Peter Galperin
Patrick Gallagher
Guy Gangi
Brian Ganton, Jr.
Mark Garcia
Bense Garza
David Gauger
Earl Gee
Scott Geiger
Steff Geissbuhler
Jens Gelhaar
Alexander Gelman
Brad Gensurowksy
Ally Gerson
Fabian Geyrhalter
Bob Gill
Tim Girvin
Milton Glaser

Marc Gobe
Bob Goebel
Keith Gold
Josh Goldblum
Gabe Goldman
Terri Goldstein
Luis M. Gonzalez, Jr.
Peter Good
Timothy Goodman
MIchael Gough
Jonathan Gouthier
Kevin Grady
Critt Graham
Bill Grant
Gwen Granzow
Amy Graver
Jill Yoe Graves
Kenny Gravillis
Robert M. Greenberg
Ric Grefe
Adam Greiss
Bruce Griffith
Glenn Groglio
Gerri Guadagno
Brian Gunderson
Michael Gunselman
John Gustafson
Amy Gustincic
Carolyn Hadlock
Carla Hall
Ted Hansen
Phil Hamlett
Stanley Hainsworth
Mark Hamilton
Ed Han
Graham Hanson
Ken Hanson
Sandi Harari
Barbara Harrington
Jack Harris
Jill Harris
Ilene Harsip
Dale Hart
Tim Hartford
Barbara Hartinger
Stefan Hartung
Steve Hartman
Dennis Hatton
Sagi Haviv
Luke Hayman
Vickie P. Hayman
Bill Healey
Rick Heffner
Karl Heiselman
Debra Heiser
Jessica Helfand
Keith Helm
Michael Hendrix
Linda Henneman
Jonathan Herman
Eleazar Hernandez
Andrew Hershberger
Christine Hershey
Neha Hettangdi
Marcus Hewitt
Timothy Heyer
Josh Higgins
Aniko Hill
Brian Hill
Jessica Hische
Drew Hodges
Michael Hodgson
Julia Hoffmann
Richard Hollant
Timothy Holmes
Dian Holton
Gregory Hom
Carol Hoover
Lisa House
Jill Howry
Jessie Huang
John Hudson
Carlos Huerta
Hector Huerta
Octavio Huerta
Mike Hughes
Brian Hunt
Randy J. Hunt
Wayne Hunt
Kent Hunter
Nancy Hunt-Weber
Matt Hutton
Cameron Hyers
Ekene Ijeoma
Terry Irwin
Kim Brown Irvis
Alexander Isley
Cathe Ishino
Betsy Jackson
Ellen Jacob
Rob Jackson
Michael Jager
Katie Jain
Janine James
Nathan James
Natasha Jen
Christopher Jennings
Linda Jennings
David Jensen
Patti Jensen
Brown Johnson
Karen Johnson
Margaret Johnson
William Lee Johnson
Shalmir Tippit Johnston
Vicki Jones
Vicky Jones
Ann Jordan
Jerome Jones
Doug Joseph
Suzanne Jurist
Ellen Kahn
Lynda Kahn
David Kaiser
Ken Kaminski
Walter Kaprielian
Susan Karlin
Jerry Kathman
Michael Ian Kaye
Kevin Kearns
Susan Jackson Keig
Robert Keren
Iris Keitel
Zia Khan
Andrew Kibble
Chip Kidd
Brenda Kilmer
Richard Kilmer
Yang Kim
Barry King
Jennifer Kinon
Shardul Kiri
Katie Kirk
Kim Kiser
Christine Klaehn
Kim Knoll
Sheri L. Koetting
Diego Kolsky
Pritsana Kootint-Hadiatmodjo
Barbara Kosoff
Jamie Koval
Kay Kresbach
Fanny Krivoy
John Kudos
Kevin Kuester
Deanna Kuhlmann-Leavitt
Karen Kwan
Seth Labenz
Joseph LaCrue
Cindy Laidlaw
Tom Laidlaw
David Lam
Rick Landesberg
David Langton
Kelly Lappin
Tim Larsen
Carol Lasky
Marcia Lausen
Nick Law
Kim Le Liboux
Jake Lefebure
Pum M. Lefebure
Yann Legendre
Matt Lehman
Tonya Leigh
Kerry Leimer
Michael Lemme
Hilary Lentini
Ted Leonhardt
Joshua Lepley
Stuart Leslie
MaeLin Levine
Marc S. Levitt
Deb Levy
Glenn Levy
James Lienhart
Joe Lisaius
Steven Liska
Monica Little
Dave Lizotte
Jen Lockard
Sharyn Belkin Locke
Vernon Lockhart
Maria LoConte
George Lois
Lori Long
Stewart Lopez-Bonilla
Jan Lorenc
Leonard Loria
Robert Louey
Kenneth D. Love
Chris Lowery
Ellen Lupton
John Luu
Kevin Lyons
Dana Lytle
Mike Macadaan
John Maerzke
Sharon Mahoney
Kevin Mann
Vince Manze
Joe Marianek
Joel Markquart
Bobby C. Martin, Jr.
Steve Martin
Tod Martin
Claire Williams Martinez
Zoa Martinez
Leland Maschmeyer
John Massey
Takaaki Matsumoto
Paul Matthaeus
Su Mathews
Scott Matz
Christine Mau
Jennifer Mayer
John Mazur III
Victor Mazzeo
Amy McFarland
Sharon Lloyd McLaughlin
Tom McManimon
William McMillian
Beth McPherson
Monte Mead
Damon Meibers
Denise Mendelsohn
Theresa Mershon
Jackie Merri Meyer
Brian Miller
Erik Miller
Herb Meyers
Scott Mikus
Scott Millen
David Miller
Jay Miller
John Miller
Debbie Millman
Scott Mires
Ron Miriello
Kirsten Modestow
Clement Mok
Jim Moran
Noreen Morioka
Douglas Morris
Jennifer Morla
Gordon Mortensen
Jim Mousner
Tony Moxham
Todd Mueller
Aerien Mull
John Muller
Matthew Munoz
Kirk Myrhe
Mark Naden
Robert Nakata
Darren Namaye
Dana Neibert
Becky Nelson
Davide Nicosia
Brian Niemann
Louis N. Nessim
Paul Newman
Wing-Ip Ngan
Joan Nicosia
Andres Nicholls
John Nishimoto
Jonathan Notaro
John Nunziato
Bill Oberlander
Emily Oberman
Dan O’Brien
Ed O’Brien
Bill O’Connor

James O’Connor
Janet Odgis
Terry O’Gara
Matt Ohnemus
Barbara Olejniczak
Jennifer Oliver
Eddie Opara
Cheryl Oppenheim
Carolina Ornelas
Joven Orozco
Maria Orozova
Fernando Osuma
Michael Ozan
Adam Padilla
Bill Paetzold
Carlo Pagoda
Natalie Pangaro
Nick Panos
Judy Paolini
John Parham
Jim Parker
Matt Pashkow
Ross Patrick
Stephanie Paulsen
Devon Pedzwater
Bennett Peji
Deroy Peraza
Amy Perry
Kevin Perry
Allan Peters
Robert Petrick
Suzanne Pettypiece
Benjamin Pham
Ken Phillips
Steve Phillips
Leslie Phinney
Supon Phornirunlit
Candy Piemonte
Todd Pierce
George Pierson
Paul Pierson
Dennis Pilsits
Rocco Piscatello
Annette M. Piskel
Jonathan Pite
Amber Podratz
Tanja Pohl
Lynette Pope
Walter Porras
Patty Potter
L. Richard Poulin
Neil Powell
Marion E. Powers
Wendy Pressley-Jacobs
Natalie Pryor
David Puelle
Chris Pullman
Frank Quadflieg
Kenneth Quail
Wendy Quesinberry
Mike Quon
Mark Randall
Jim Read
Tood Reinhart
Eileen Riestra
Debra Rizzi
Keith Rizzi
Jason Rosenberg
Roy Rub
Robynne Raye
Patrick Redmond
Stefan Reddick
Ann Reeves
Rodney Reid
David Rice
Ed Rice
Forrest Richardson
Patrick Richardson
Rob Richards
Lana Rigsby
Tom Ritchie
Jon Ritt
Irasema Rivera
Jim Rivett
Debra Rizzi
Keith Rizzi
Ken Roberts
Dana Robinson
Susana Rodriguez de Tembleque
Victor Rodriguez
Kyle Romberg
Richard Rosen
Susan Rouzie
Jennifer Roycroft
Bill Rozier
Regina Rubino
Anthony Russell
Anthony Rutta
Lance Rutter
Dennis Ryan
Robert Sedlack, Jr.
Stefan Sagmeister
David Salanitro
Greg Samata
Pat Samata
Jess Sand
Shani Sandy
Maruchi Santana
Yolanda Santosa
Erin Sarofsky
Mackey Saturday
Paula Savage
John Sayles
Patrick Schab
David Schimmel
Toni Schlowalter
Sara Schneider
David Schuemann
Brian Schultz
Jay Schwartz
Ken Schwartz
Mark Schwartz
Matt Schwartz
David Schwarz
Martin Schott
Mary Scott
Mike Scricco
Monica Seaberry
J.J. Sedelmaier
Sven Seger
Elinor Selame
Clifford Selbert
Richard Shannon
Richard Shear
Sam Shelton
Angela Shen-Hsieh
Mamoru Shimokochi
Moonsub Shin
Mark Shoolery
Rishi Shourie
Limore Shur
Dmitri Siegel
Bonnie Siegler
Michele Silvestri
Christopher Simmons
Kelly Simmons
Suzy Simmons
Beth Singer
Brian Singer
Seth Sirbaugh
Bill Skrieff
Rick Slusher
David Smith
Daniel Smith
Kim Graham Smith
Lisa Smith
Richard Smith
Tyler Smith
Karl Smizer
Leslie Smolan
Sam Sohaili
Brian Son
Toby Southgate
Ted Stanaszek
Paul Stechmesser
Ben Steele
Dana Steffe
Jennifer Sterling
Diane Sterman
Peter Storch
Scott Stowell
Charlotte Strick
Jeff St. Onge
Nathan Strandberg
Michael Strassburger
Kerry Stratford
Amy Strauch
Robyn Streisand
Michael Stinson
Colleen Stokes
Marc V. Stress
Lee Sucharda
Toby Sudduth
Jennifer Sukis
Scott Sugiuchi
Brian Sullivan
Elaine Tajima
Bob Talarczyk
Jill Tanenbaum
Jeffrey Tautenhan
Joel Templin
Lucille Tenazas
Eric Teng
Kevin Teevens
Bret Terwilliger
Vineet Thapar
Scott Thares
Rick Tharp
Chad Thompson
Bill Thorburn
Simon Thorneycroft
Robin Tooms
Peleg Top
Nick Torello
Matt Touchard
Fred Tieken
Gail Tieken
Anne Traver
Brett Traylor
Janet Traylor
Jabok Trollback
Rob Trostle
Rondi Tschopp
Gerald Tucker
Leslie Tucker
David Turner
Stephen Turner
Ray Ueno
Wendy Underhill
Robert Valentine
Rick Valicenti
Ron Vandenberg
David Vanden-Eynden
Maria Varastegui
Tammy Vaserstein
Massimo Vignelli
Armin Vit
David Vogler
Tobias Van Schneider
Petrula Vrontikis
Richard Wachter
Kevin Wade
Bob Wagner
Carol Wahler
Jurek Wajdowicz
Michael Waldron
Jessica Walsh
Kevin Walker
Bob Warkulwiz
Dina Wasmer
John Waters
Cheryl Watson
Cheryl Towler Weese
Todd Weinberger
Ken Wehrman
Alex Weil
Don Weller
Cinthia Wen
Chris Wendel
Sharon Werner
Robert Shaw West
Paul Wharton
Jason White
Kenneth White
Roy White
Kanan F. Whited IV
Bob Whitmore
H.Robert Wientzen
Gail Wiggin
Pam Williams
Sarah Williams
Greg Willis
Ann Willoughby
Debby Winter
Henry Wolf
Tracy Wong
David Stoyan Wooters
Laura Coe Wright
Nanette Wright
Tom Wright
Hideki Yamamoto
Brian Yap
Lisa Yee
Jeff Yelton
Alex Yildiz
Henry Yiu
Chris Young
David Young
Garson Yu
Alisa Zamir
Julia Zeltser
Barbara Zenz
Pamela Zuccker
Karen Zuckerman

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