A Timeline for Launching a New Brand

76West Brand Launch Timeline

In a@nbsp;previous post we shared a process for developing a new brand name for a company, department or product. You can read more on that here. Once that name has been developed, and approved, it must be shared with your customers.

This outline below serves as a starting guide to plan out a brand name launch program. It’s intended to be a scaleable reference tool. 76West uses this plan as a starting point for it’s branding announcement efforts. A larger brand program would likely have more steps and occur over a longer period of time, a smaller effort is likely to have fewer moving parts. The answer lies in finding the balance, and what fits your company.

Brand Name Launch Step One

Timing: 4-6 month prior to change

Announce your organization's new name to employees and volunteers first. Explain the reasons for the change, and provide a plan for the new name going into effect. This communication will serve to generate excitement about the new identity.

Brand Name Launch Step Two

Timing: 2-3 month prior to change

Contact your most frequently used partners and vendors to introduce the new brand name before you inform the public at large. Giving your most significant supporters a preview of this announcement will help ensure that they feel valued.

Brand Name Launch Step Three

Timing: 1-3 month prior to change

Begin the documentation of your new brand elements, in detailed and quick-look formats. These will eventually become the brand identity guideline to be shared with corporate communications managers and partners to ensure consistent application and planned growth of your business and brand identity.

Brand Name Launch Step Four

Timing: 1 month prior to change

Create a community release and personal letters informing other supporters and local business about the name change. Express excitement about the new transformation and emphasize that all of the good things about the organization will continue under the new name.

Brand Name Launch Step Five

Timing: Month Of change

Distribute a press release announcing the organization's new name. Include background information on this history and  mission of your organization. Also share some visioning statements for the future of the organization. This will coincide with social media and email blast announcement.

Brand Name Launch Step Five

Timing: Month Of change

In coordination with the above update stationery, marketing material, signage, social media, and website. Coordinate domains management and will be redirected to a custom landing page on the new domain providing information on the transformation.

Brand Name Launch Step Six

Timeline: 1-2 months after change

Host a name change press/community event. Develop marketing materials and signage to support the name change. Host a press conference at event to announce name change and to underscore the mission and goals of the organization.

Brand Elements

What branded and brand communication element should you be considering? The middle of the 20th Century marked the time when corporate brand identity became a professional practice. Since the first designers and communications firms began to define what branding is, its bounds have grown well beyond business cards and letterhead. Today, modern branding includes dozens of aspects of business communication. This list is by no means exhaustive or complete, but will serve as a starting point to identify relevant elements for your branding efforts. We use this list when engaging with our clients to ensure a comprehensive approach that's an appropriate solution.

View Brand Element List

Brand Solutions
Brand identity, and website for cryptocurrency news outlet.
Research, strategy, identity and communication for regional co-operative education services provider.
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