Jerash Holdings

Website for a global clothing contract manufacturer during the lead-up to debut on NASDAQ.


With an initial public offering in the U.S. Stock Exchange weeks away, Jerash Holdings needed their website redesigned to address American investors. 76West worked with the clients’ management teams in Amman, Jordan and New York to understand their goals and identify key talking points. We then created content that was tailor made for a U.S. audience which told the company’s story and positioned Jerash Holdings as an attractive investment opportunity. A clean, modern layout and user interface was designed for the web pages that gave important company details formatted as easy to read infographics.

Website Content + User Interface




  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Content Development
  • Website Architecture
  • CMS Integration
  • Hosting

Content Strategy and Voice

76West worked with the management team at Jerash to help develop a writing style and tone of voice that fit the american market. We established a persona of a typical investor to tailor website communications to. The ideal investor would have a deep understanding of markets and the complexities of trading stocks, but likely less deeply informed about the garment industry.

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